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澳門新葡官網進入 學校首頁 | 學院首頁 
趙 明






招生類型:科學學位(博) 科學學位(碩)專業學位(碩)

招生專業:藥物化學(博) 藥物化學(碩)藥學(碩)




1960年生于北京,1995年畢業于北京醫科大學澳門新葡官網進入,獲理學博士學位。1997年年被北京醫科大學聘為副教授,2001年被北京大學澳門新葡官網進入聘為教授,博士生導師。2006年至今為北京市特聘教授/多肽及小分子藥物北京市重點實驗室主任;2006-2012年為澳門新葡官網進入化學生物學與澳門新葡官網進入副院長、2012-2014年為澳門新葡官網進入化學生物學與澳門新葡官網進入常務副院長,2014年-至今為澳門新葡官網進入化學生物學與澳門新葡官網進入院長,2007年為美國North Carolina大學訪問教授、2009年至今為內源式預防藥物教育部工程研究中心主任。2013年至今為生物醫用材料北京實驗室副主任,高雄醫學大學客座教授。 趙明致力于“基于氨基酸的寡肽藥物”、“基于氨基酸的糖胺藥物”等特色研究。主持完成了“1035”、“985”、“973”、“十一五”重大新藥創制、國家自然科學基金(4項)、教育部博士點基金等研究項目。已發表國外SCI論文160余篇,其中11篇被J MATER CHEM B等雜志選為封面文章,申請國家發明專利690余項(授權380余項);獲7項省部級科技進步獎。除參編13部國內專著外,受Wiley出版社邀請于2009年全球發行1部關于藥物的生物分析的英文專著,被Wiley出版社推薦為該領域權威著作,并被國外前40名高校中的12所學校,如Stanford、Cambridge等大學圖書館收藏;英國University" of East Anglia的Dr. Gerd Wagner 特別撰寫書評發表在ChemMedChem上。由于抗骨質疏松新藥研究的成績, INTECH出版社邀請他為即將出版的New Findings in Osteoporosis (骨質疏松的新發現) 撰寫了唯一涉及抗骨質疏松新藥研究的章節。此外,發表在英國化學會MedCheCom上的研究結果被BIONITY. COM網站報道、受國際雜志Expert Opin. Ther. Pat邀請對國際同行的專利進行專家評述、發表在ACS-NANO的文章被 ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: September 04, 2013報道,國內外媒體紛紛轉載,發表在Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Medchemcomn,的藥物研究的文章受邀作為封底文章?,F為JMC、EJMC等刊物的審稿人,2010年被JMC評為Top tier reviewer。國際知名度逐步提高。 1986年至今一直從事高等藥學教育,站在教學第一線。獨立承擔3門本科生理論課和實驗課、4門研究生理論課和實驗課,理論授課240學時/年,實驗課210學時/年。此外,承擔藥學專業實驗課的管理和改革,實施精品藥學教育,突出本科生和研究生實現大型儀器的操作,培養真才實學的創新和創業藥學人才針對新藥研發特點,堅持融合藥物設計、合成、分析、活性篩選及藥物作用機理研究到研究生的學位論文中,使碩士生的研究產出國家發明專利,博士生的研究產出國外SCI論文。研究生得到了全面訓練。2002年至今培養50余名博士生;100余名碩士生。獲2001年北京市教學成果一等獎和國家教學成果二等獎、2009年北京市教育教學成果二等獎、2010年獲首都教育先鋒科技創新個人、“三八”紅旗獎章、2013年北京市教育教學成果二等獎。2015年獲北京市高等學校教學名師,2016年北京市高層次創新創業人才支持計劃領軍人才,2017年獲北京市優秀教師,2018年獲北京市師德榜樣。2019年獲首都勞動獎章。 積極推動成果轉化。5種產品上市、1個一類新藥獲臨床批文、1個二類新藥。轉讓專利及技術11項,為企業帶了直接或間接效益3000萬;其中一項被美國FDA批準進入期Ⅱ臨床(IND132347),目前已完成二期臨床試驗。上海醫藥集團股份有限公司已投資2.6億元人民幣,獲得授權開發中國大陸市場,有望成為治療腦卒中的新型溶栓藥物。


1979-1983  北京醫科大學, 澳門新葡官網進入, 學士;

1991-1995  北京醫科大學, 澳門新葡官網進入, 博士;


2019-至今  澳門新葡官網進入黨總支書記

2017-2019  澳門新葡官網進入黨委書記

2014-2018  澳門新葡官網進入化學生物學與澳門新葡官網進入/澳門新葡官網進入,院長

2013-至今 生物醫用材料北京實驗室副主任

2012-2014  澳門新葡官網進入化學生物學與澳門新葡官網進入,常務副院長

2006-2012  澳門新葡官網進入化學生物學與澳門新葡官網進入,副院長

2009-至今 內源式預防藥物教育部工程研究中心主任

2006-至今  北京市特聘教授,多肽及小分子藥物北京市重點實驗室主任

2001-2006  北京醫科大學, 澳門新葡官網進入教授, 博導;

1997-2001  北京醫科大學, 澳門新葡官網進入副教授;



Guanyu Li, Tong Wang, Xiaoyi Zhang, Shurui Zhao, Yaonan Wang, Jianhui Wu, Shiqi Peng*,Ming Zhao*. Development of 13-Cys-BBR as an Agent Having Dual Action of Anti-Thrombosis and Anti-Inflammation. Drug Design, Development and Therapy.2020:14 2187–2197.

Mengyu Hou, Manjie Lv, Xiaoyi Zhang, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Jianhui Wu, Ming Zhao*, Shiqi peng*. Discovery of novel 6S/12aS-heptachpyridone capable of targeting thrombus and inhibiting thrombosis in vivo. Journal: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. Volume 30, Issue 19, 1 October 2020, 127440

Xiaoyi Zhang,Yixin Zhang,Yaonan Wang,Jianhui Wu,Haiyan Chen,Ming Zhao*,Shiqi Peng*. Modifying ICCA with Trp-Phe-Phe to Enhance in vivo Activity and Form Nano-Medicine. International journal of nanomedicine, (2020): 465-481

Xiaoyi Zhang1,2, Jinhuan Zhang1,2, Wenchao Liu1,2, Yaonan Wang1,2, Jianhui Wu1,2, Shurui Zhao1,2, Ming Zhao1,2,3* & Shiqi Peng1,2*。Exploring the action of RGDV?gemcitabine on tumor metastasis, tumor growth and possible action pathway. Scientific Reports | (2020) 10:15729  


Guanyu Li, Yi Ren, Xiaoyi Zhang, Shurui Zhao, Yaonan Wang, Jianhui Wu, Shiqi Peng*, Ming Zhao*. 13-[CH2CO-Cys-(Bzl)-OBzl]-Berberine: Exploring The Correlation Of Anti-Tumor Efficacy With ROS And Apoptosis Protein. Onco Targets Ther 2019 Dec 5;12:10651-10662

Wenchao Liu1,2 Yujia Mao1,2 Xiaoyi Zhang1,2 Yaonan Wang1,2 Jianhui Wu 1,2 Shurui Zhao1,2 Shiqi Peng 1,2 Ming Zhao*1.RGDV-modified gemcitabine: a nano-medicine capable of prolonging half-life, overcoming resistance and eliminating bone marrow toxicity of gemcitabine. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2019:14 7263–7279

Shurui Zhao,Ze Li,Fei Huang,Jianhui Wu,Lin Gui,Xiaoyi Zhang,Yaonan Wang,Xiaozhen Wang,Shiqi Peng,Ming Zhao*. Nano-scaled MTCA-KKV: for targeting thrombus,releasing pharmacophores, inhibiting thrombosisand dissolving blood clots in vivo. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2019:14 4817–4831 

Jianhui Wu,Yue Cui,Xiaoyi Zhang,Lin Gui,Yaonan Wang,Shiqi Peng,Ming Zhao,*. BCESA: a nano-scaled intercalator capable of targeting tumor tissue and releasing antitumoral β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2019:14 3027–3041

Juan Feng, Meng Zhou, Xuanzi Lin, An Lu, Xiaoyi Zhang, and Ming Zhao*.Base-Mediated [3 + 4]-Cycloaddition of Anthranils with Azaoxyallyl Cations: A New Approach to Multisubstituted Benzodiazepines. Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6245?6248. 

Shuangling Chen , Zidong Peng, Yuji Wang , Jianhui Wu, Ran An , Rongrong Miao , Ming Zhao , * , Shiqi Peng ,Development and activity evaluation of Arg-Gly-Asp-containing antithrombotic conjugate,Journal of Molecular Structure 1198 (2019) 126816 


Yaonan Wang, Haiyan Chen, Xiaoyi Zhang, Jianhui Wu,Qiqi Feng, Shiqi Peng,, Ming Zhao.* Dimethyl 2,2′-[2,2′-(ethane-1,1-diyl)bis(1H-indole-3,2-diyl)]-diacetate: a small molecule capable of nano-scale assembly, inhibiting venous thrombosis and inducing no bleeding side effect. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2018:13 7835–7844 

Jianhui Wu, a§ Haimei Zhu, a§ Guodong Yang,a Jianhong He, *c Yuji Wang, a Shurui Zhao,a Xiaoyi Zhang,a Lin Gui,a Ming Zhao*a,b & Shiqi Peng*a, Design and synthesis of nano-scaled IQCA-TAVV as a delivery capable of anti- platelet activation, targeting arterial thrombus and releasing IQCA. International Journal of nanomedicine  2018 , 13 :1139-1158  

Ze Li, Fei Huang, Jianhui Wu, Lin Gui, Xiaoyi Zhang, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Xiaozhen Wang, Shiqi Peng*, and Ming Zhao*. Heptapeptide based modification leading to enhancing the action of MTCA on activated platelets, P-selectin, GPIIb/IIIa.  Future Medicinal Chemistry. 2018 , 10 (16) :1957-1970 

Haiyan Chen, An Lu, Xiaoyi Zhang, Lin Gui, Yaonan Wang, Jianhui Wu, Hua Feng, Shiqi Peng* and Ming Zhao* .Design and development of ICCA as dual inhibitor of GPIIb/IIIa and P-selectin receptors.Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 2018; 12: 2097–2110.

Haimei Zhu, Yuji Wang, Ce Song, Qiqi Feng, Jianhui Wu, Shurui Zhao, Lin Gui, Xiaoyi Zhang, Ming Zhao and Shiqi Peng. Docking of THPDTPI: to explore P-selectin been a common target of anti-tumor, anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory agent,\. Oncotarget, 2018 , 9 (1) :268-281 

Haiyan Chen,Wenjing Wang,Xiaoyi Zhang,Shan Liu,Yaonan Wang,Haimei Zhu,Jianhui Wu,Yuji Wang,Ming Zhao (*)  , Shiqi Peng (*), Discovery of DEBIC to correlate P-selectin inhibition and DNA intercalation incancer therapy and complicated thrombosis,Oncotarget,2018,9(63),32119-32133 


Jianhui Wu, a§ Haimei Zhu, a§ Guodong Yang,a Yuji Wang, a Yaonan Wang, a Shurui Zhao,a Ming Zhao*a,b & Shiqi Peng*a, IQCA-TAVV: To get insight of the association between P-selectin, GPIIb/IIIa, IL-2, IL-6 and IL-8 into deep venous thrombosis. Oncotarget, 2017 , 8 (53) :91391-91401   

Jianhui Wu# , Haimei Zhu#, Ming Zhao, Yuji Wang ,Guodong Yang, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao,Lin Gui,Xiaoyi Zhang,and Shiqi Peng. IQCA-TASS: A nano-scaled P-selectin inhibitor capable of targeting thrombus and releasing IQCA/TARGD(S)S in vivo, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 917—927  

Jianhui Wu, Ming Zhao, Yuji Wang, Yaonan Wang, Haimei Zhu, Shurui Zhao, Lin Gui, Xiaoyi Zhang, and Shiqi Peng*, N-(3-hydroxymethyl-β-carboline-1-yl-ethyl-2-yl)-l-Phe:development toward nanoscaled antitumor drug capable of treating complicated thrombosis and inflammation, Drug design, development and therapy , 2017 , 11 :225-239  

Haiping Ma, Ming Zhao, Yuji Wang, Haimei Zhu, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Jianhui Wu, Shiqi Peng    Cholyl-L-Lysine-carboxyl butyryl adriamycin produgs targeting chemically induced liver injury.      J. Mater. Chem. B , 2017,5, 470-478 

Xinyi Xu, Yuji Wang, Jianhui Wu, Xi Hu, Haimei Zhu, Xiaoyi Zhang, Yaonan Wang, Lin Gui, Ming Zhao, Shiqi Peng. ATIQCTPC: a nanomedicine capable of targeting tumor and blocking thrombosis in vivo. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12: 4415 -4431  

Yuji Wang, Xinyi Xu, Ce Song, Jianhui Wu, Xi Hu, Haimei Zhu, Xiaoyi Zhang,Yaonan Wang, Lin Gui, Ming Zhao, and Shiqi Peng. ATIQCTPC targeting MMP-9: a key step to slowing primary tumor growth and inhibiting metastasis of lewis lung carcinoma in vivo. Oncotarget, 2017, 8, 38, 63881-63889  

Haimei Zhu, Yuji Wang, Ce Song, Qiqi Feng, Jianhui Wu, Shurui Zhao, Lin Gui, Xiaoyi Zhang, Ming Zhao and Shiqi Peng. Docking of THPDTPI: to explore P-selectin been a common target of anti-tumor, anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory agent,\. Oncotarget, 2018 , 9 (1) :268 

Xiaozhen Wang , Yuji Wanga, Jianhui Wu, Lin Gui , Xiaoyi Zhang , Meiqing Zheng , Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao , Ze Li , Ming Zhao*, Shiqi Peng* .Docking based design of diastereoisomeric MTCA as GPIIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 5114–5118 

Haiyan Chen,Wenjing Wang,Xiaoyi Zhang,Shan Liu,Yaonan Wang,Haimei Zhu,Jianhui Wu,YujiWang,Ming Zhao (*)  , Shiqi Peng (*), Discovery of DEBIC to correlate P-selectin inhibition and DNA intercalation incancer therapy and complicated thrombosis,Oncotarget


Taiping Gan, Yuji Wang, Ming Zhao, Jianhui Wu, Jian Yang, Shiqi Peng.,5-(Bis(3-(2-hydroxyethyl)- 1H-indol-2-yl)methyl)-2-hydroxybenzoic acid (BHI MHA ): showing a strategy of designing drug to block lung metastasis of tumors.Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2016, 10: 711-721.

Xi Hu, Ming Zhao, Yuji Wang, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Jianhui Wu, Xiangmin Li and Shiqi Peng ,Tetrahydro-b-carboline-3-carboxyl-thymopentin: a nano-conjugate for releasing pharmacophores to treat tumor and complications. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016:4, 1384-1397.    

Xu Wenyun, Zhao Ming, Wang Yuji, Zhu haimei, Wang Yaonan, Zhao Shurui, Wu Jianhui, Peng Shiqi ,Design, synthesis, and in vivo evaluations of benzyl Nω-nitro-Nα-(9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole-3-carbonyl)-L-argininate as an apoptosis inducer capable of decreasing the serum concentration of P-selectin. Medchemcomm, 2016, 7, 1730    

Ning Song,Ming Zhao,Yuji Wang,Xi Hu,Jianhui Wu,Xueyun Jiang,Shan Li,Chunying Cui,Shiqi Peng1 Nanomedical strategy to prolong survival period, heighten cure rate, and lower systemic toxicity of s180 mice treated with mtx/mit.. Drug Design Development & Therapy,2016, Volume 10, 2701-2711. 

Qiqi Feng, Ming Zhao*,Taiping Gan, Haimei Zhu, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Yuji Wang, Jianhui Wu and Shiqi Peng*.DHDMIQK(KAP): a novel nano-delivery system of dihydroxyl-tetrahydro-isoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid and KPAK towards the thrombus.       Journal of Materials Chemistry B.  2016. 4. 5991-6003.    

Lv Xiaojie, Zhao Ming*, Wang Yuji, Hu Xi, Wu Jianhui, Jiang Xueyue, Li Shan, Cui Chunying, Peng Shiqi*.Loading cisplatin onto 6-mercaptopurine covalently modified MSNS: a nanomedicine strategy to improve the outcome of cisplatin therapy.    Drug Design, Development and Therapy.  2016.  10.  3933-3946.       

Zhigang Zhao, Xingang Li, Shusen Sun,Shenghui Mei,Ning Ma,Zhongrong Miao,Ming Zhao* , Shiqi Peng*. Impact of genetic polymorphisms related to clopidogrel or acetylsalicylic acid pharmacology on clinical outcome in Chinese patients with symptomatic extracranial or intracranial stenosis.  European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.  2016.  72(10).  1195-1204.     

Jianhui Wu, Ming Zhao, Yuji Wang, Yaonan Wang, Haimei Zhu, Shurui Zhao, Shiqi Peng, A novel lead of P-selectin inhibitor: Discovery, synthesis, bioassays and action mechanism. Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 2016, 26, 4631 - 4636

Haimei Zhu, Yuanbo Song, Yuji Wang, Ming Zhao, Yi Ren, Yaonan Wang, Shurui Zhao, Jianhui Wu and Shiqi Peng .Design, synthesis and evaluation of a novel π–π stacking nano-intercalator as an anti-tumor agent  MedChemComm. 2016, 7, 247-257  

xueyun jiang,ming zhao,haimei zhu,shurui zhao,yuanbo song,shiqi,peng .RGD(F/S/V)-Dex: towards the development of novel, effective, and safe glucocorticoids  Drug Design, Development and Therapy2016:10 1059-1076   

Yinghuan Li, Lei Gao, Xi Tan, Feiyang Li, Ming Zhao, Shiqi Peng .Lipid rafts-mediated endocytosis and physiology-based cell membrane traffic models of doxorubicin liposomes   .Biochimica Biophysica Acta 2016, 1858 (8) : 1801–1811


1.    Shiqi Peng, Ming Zhao. Pharmaceutical Bioassays. John Wiley. &Sons, Inc, 2009

2.    Shayne Cox Gad, Handbook of Pharmaceutical biotechnology (Chapter 5 Pharmaceutical Bioassays). John Wiley. &Sons, Inc.,2007

3.    彭師奇,《藥物化學原理》,北京大學醫學出版社,2006

4.    彭師奇,《預防藥學》,北京大學醫學出版社, 2003

5.    彭師奇,《新藥的發現與發明》,山東科學技術出版社,2001

6.    彭師奇,《藥物的波普解析》,北京大學醫學出版社,1998

7.    彭師奇,《多肽藥物化學》,科學出版社,1993

8.    彭師奇,于學敏,《光譜立體化學》,陜西科學技術出版社,1993

9.    彭師奇,趙明,Organic Chemistry,高等教育出版社,2012

10.  趙明,彭師奇,General Chemistry,高等教育出版社,2012

11. 趙明,彭師奇,骨質疏松癥及多途徑預防策略,高等教育出版社,2013

12. Ming Zhao,Yuji Wang,Jianhui Wu,Shiqi Peng,TOPICS IN OSTEOPOROSIS(Chapter 4),INTECH,2013

13. 彭師奇,趙明,《藥物的波譜解析》,高等教育出版社,2014











10..北京市優秀教師 2017

11.北京師德榜樣 2018

12.首都勞動獎章 2019


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